Taizé in Wageningen

2020 10 26

You’re invited for the Taizé prayer on Monday October 26th, 20h at the Arboretum Church.

Please see our regulations in the “About us” section. To participate, please subscribe yourself by sending an email to info@taizewageningen.nl (before Monday 17h).

Still, especially in this time, there’s a need for time to be silent together, to pray, to listen to your heart, a time to search for God. We are still in this together. Praying together is a strong form of community. Feel welcome!

Let us be with our God who is love. Ubi caritas, Deo ibi est. (list to the song).

About us

The Taizé prayer is organised by Spectrum and takes place every 2nd Monday of the Month in the Arboretum Church, August Faliseweg 22, Wageningen.